3 years later……

I can’t believe it has been 3 years since my last post. I was going through my first IVF cycle and had just received a phone call about a positive pregnancy BETA. Fast forward and we have a now 2 year old son names Leo. He is literally a gift from God. we are so…


I had my first frozen embryo transfer (FINALLY) on July 12, 2017. It was so quick, I was surprised. After it was over I said “Thats it?” to our RE. And he said “Thats it!” and smiled.   My husband drove me home and I was afraid to even walk (yes I know it won’t…

Frozen Embryo Transfer

So today is the day…..I’m feeling a ton of mixed emotions but mostly I’m nervous. I’m trying not to get TOO excited-I want to be realistic about the outcomes, but have been praying daily for the best.  In about 5 hours I’ll be at the Doctor being joined with our 5 day old embryo! Science…

That was a brief intermission

It’s been about 3 months since my last post. I realized quickly that this journey can take over your life both physically and mentally.  I was so stressed and obsessed with reading and learning what I could about everything that I started to lose focus on who I was and how to love my husband…

I sure am lucky!

I’ve some how gotten really lucky the past few days.  I am still going to my IVF consult on April 5th, but a friend of a friend is a retired Embryologist, and I got the pleasure of speaking with her yesterday.  She answered a lot of questions I had, but more importantly (because she dealt…

The Search

So, now that I have talked to a few people (thanks to everyone who has commented!) I didn’t realize that people looked around for other IVF doctors. I just assumed they were the same (how naive am I?).  I have looked at a site that has ratings/comments from patients, but how do you really know…


So two days ago, the Dr. recommend we stop medication and that our best bet financially and time wise would be IVF. I called and made the consult appointment. It is in about 3 weeks which gives me some time to destress and enjoy life without any medications or appointments.  However, I feel like IVF…

The beginning

Over the past 15 months, my husband and I have been trying to conceive.  After several doctor’s appointments, we have found ourselves at the beginning of the journey down the IVF road. I’m writing this blog in hopes to help me emotionally get through the time ahead.  Talking about it to the same people every…